Calvin A. Hunt
Dance Outfits by Calvin Hunt
There are 12 full dance outfits that I have created which are housed in various museums around the world.
For further information, feel free to contact us.
These are unique dance costumes which are typically commissioned and dislayed in museums. They are costumes that I have worn in many of our ceremonies.
They are large and complex; some masks open four ways, and others do not open at all.
There are not many contemporary outfits in existence, except the ones that I have been fortuante enough to have been commissioned to make.
A Calvin Hunt dance costume would add great depth to any collection.

Calvin dancing in this costume that went to Edinburgh, Scotland - Scotland National Museum - Full Sized Thunderbird Transformation Dance Costume. 1988

Edinburgh, Scotland - Scotland National Museum - Full Sized Thunderbird Transformation Dance Costume. 1988

Hamburg Museum of Anthropology. 1979

Calvin dancing in this costume that went to Edinburgh, Scotland - Scotland National Museum - Full Sized Thunderbird Transformation Dance Costume. 1988