Calvin A. Hunt
Replicating or Restoring Totem Poles

Carrot Park Port Hardy, BC

127' 2" Beacon Hill Park Victoria, BC

Beacon Hill Park Victoria, BC

Carrot Park Port Hardy, BC
When we are commissioned to replicate totem poles, it is imperative to keep the integrity of the original work of art in tact so that we do not compromise the original artist's vision.
Therefore, when we replicate a pole, we aspire to copy as close to the original as possible sculpturally, and do not alter the artist's original designing, and we do our best to match original colors.
Please feel free to contact us for further informtion about replicating and/or restoring your totem poles.
Carved by world-renowned Kwickwasutaineuk artist Ellen Neel, in 1948 the Victory Through Honour pole was dedicated to UBC and stood at Brock Hall. Calvin Hunt, assisted by John Liviingston and Mervyn Child replicated the pole in 2004. See photos from start to finish.